Newt Sterling - Master Wild Hog Snaring
Wild hogs become very wary of pen-type traps after a few initial catches and quickly avoid bait sites after being shot at. After considerable experimentation, master snaresman Newt Sterling has developed equipment and methods guaranteed to catch and hold wild hogs ranging in size from piglets to the largest boar.
2hrs.49 min., DVD.
Newt Sterling - Master Mink & Muskrat Snaring
Newt Sterling's "Master Mink & Muskrat Snaring" DVD welcomes you to the world of mink and muskrat snaring. Many trappers wonder why they should snare these fur bearers when body grip traps and footholds are available to use. The answer is: At certain locations the snare will outperform any other method of capture that is available. This is a true statement when trapping/snaring any animal. To catch animals in the most efficient manner the trapper needs to know how to effectively use body grip traps, foothold traps AND snares. Follow Newt in fresh water and brackish tide water. You will see where this small snare will pay BIG dividends at the end of the day. See what Newt has learned over the years - that the snare is by far the best tool for taking mink and muskrat on dry land.
Newt Sterling - Master Raccoon Snaring
Learn in great detail how to make snares and various sets for raccoon. Featuring music by Jake Krack with the Whoopin Hollar String Band. Video is 140 minutes in length.