Carman’s Pro Grade Circle Maker Lure
Carman’s Pro Grade Circle Maker Lure – (Fox, Coyote, Bobcat Lure) is a deadly lure with a far reaching attraction that pulls them from the greatest distance, but also holds their interest at the set until caught. Years of lure making experience has gone into the development of this great lure. None better. This lure can be used with equal confidence on red & grey fox, coyotes and bobcats. Best used alone without bait. Good at any time of the season and at any type set. Use a light smear of lure the size of a pea during warm weather – double that when the weather drops into the teens. Replenish the lure, using the same quantity, every five days or after heavy rains. Can be used with bait at fisher and martin sets and is possibly the most deadly lure for these animals ever poured into a bottle. Comes in 2 ounce bottle.
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